Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What are some general guidelines for healthy eating?

Here are some genearal guidelines for healthy eating
1. Don't skip meals: Plan your daily meals and snacks. For healthy eating, if your weight is normal, enjoy three meals and two additional snacks if you're hungry in between mealtimes.
2. Learn simple ways to prepare food: Healthy eating doesn't have to mean complicated eating. Keep meal preparation easy, eat more raw foods such as salads and vegetable juices, and focus on the pleasure of eating healthy food rather than the calories.
3. Avoid eating more sugar: If you feel tired in the afternoon, reach for fruits, veggies or a high protein snack rather than sweets, which actually rob your body of energy.
4. Listen to your body: Stop eating when you feel full. This will help you remain alert, relaxed and feeling your best.